Jan Kucker a psychic medium who shows YOU the art of empowering your heart & soul
707.579.4809 Land line - receives NO texting Email me at: wingsofangels@JanKucker.com

Invite in the Angels of Romance to Bring
Your Loving Soulmate to YOU
Dear Beautiful One,
The Guardian Angels and Guides want only the best for you––an abundance of love, joy and laughter. They know you deserve a life overflowing with miracles and sweetness every day!
Angels and Guides know that when you believe in something and give it your whole heart's attention, doors open for you to create the miracles you so deserve.
Call on your Angels of Love and Romance to help bring you the love of your life.

Here's how to invite love into your life
Visualize your perfect partner coming to you with open and loving arms. His/her love is just for you and you alone. They have done the healing work that was needed for their heart to be emotionally ready to love YOU right now. See how your partner has a kind heart just like yours do and is so happy to share their life with you.
Imagine what your ideal partner's energy feels like so you will recognize them when you meet them. Close your eyes and imagine the fragrance of their skin, their gentle touch, the rhythm of their heart. Allow all your senses to recognize your perfect partner.
Tell your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides that your arms and heart are open and ready to receive your partner's love now. Say, "I am ready to receive love and be loved." Let them know you are ready for a relationship anchored by love, kindness and mututal respect.
Say aloud, "I am ready, willing and open to receive this beautiful love in my life NOW."

Write this phrase down in a journal or notebook a couple of times each week:
"My wonderful loving partner comes to me easily and effortlessly. They have the same kind heart, morals and goals as I do. Our love together stays strong, true and loyal. Our love is one of great friendship that grows and blossoms and fills our hearts more than we knew was possible. Together, my soulmate and I create the joyous life we deserve, one that overflows with love and gratitude more and more each day."
Note from your Angels and Guides:
We want you to know that your life is meant to be full of the Magic of LOVE. We want to help bring to you your true soulmate, the one that's been looking for you as long as you've been looking for them.
We want to help you find your loving partner, the one who will hold your hand when you've had a bad day. A partner who will cherish you and you alone. A partner who recognizes your amazing heart and soul and will always be by your side, through the good times and bad. We want you to meet your soulmate now and delight in love every day of your life.
This is the kind of love your Angels and Guides wish for you to have.
Are you ready to receive it?
It's yours for the asking.
Call on the Angels of Magic and Love
to help make your dreams come true!