Jan Kucker
Psychic/Medium & Intuitive
Inspiration, Clarity & Empowerment
To awaken your infinite possibilities
Click here to Schedule a Reading with Jan
707.579.4809 Land line- receives NO texting
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Intuitive Coach * Confidant * Catalyst For Change
Jan's spiritual work is about helping YOU transform old beliefs of not being good enough, or not trusting yourself enough to make wise decisions. Jan is passionate about inspiring you to reawaken your soul to remember how beautiful, powerful and wise you were destined to be!
The focus of Jan's work is helping YOU heal the wounds of your heart and soul through self-empowerment. Angels and Spirit Guides help Jan show YOU how to live an empowered life, embracing your destiny to live a life a life filled with great joy, love and laughter.
Jan is able to read the energy from pictures, jewelry and even business cards. Bring any of those items to a session, or send pictures of yourself via email, and you will be given the tools and guidance you need to move beyond your present situation. During your reading, you will gain sharper awareness, develop greater inner-strength and learn to make wiser choices that will bring you the happiness you deserve.
Lots of Angel Love to YOU...